Wednesday, July 4, 2012

We have a new addition to the family

His name will be known as ....Bert.

Bert lives about 2 blocks away and is a schoolmate of Ry's. He is also 9 years old. He stumbled across us one evening as we were bringing pizza in for dinner and he has been eating with us ever since. He motors around during the day while Ry is at the Y and shows up right when we get home. He has been as far and wide as rocket ship park and the school and well...everywhere.

Here are some awesome things that have happened since Bert has come along.
1. Mike had Ry for the day so I was cleaning my room...halfway through I laid down for a nap...I was awoken by Bert standing over me.." Did you miss us?" Bert asked...."Not really" Iblearily replied. He responded with where they long they were gone then ran back downstairs to tell Ry I didn't miss them.
2. Same night...he asked where I was going when I walked out the door. ..I said out....he again said, where? I said....its Mikes night with Ry ...I get to just go out...without explaining where!
3. Ry wanted him to stay late for the fireworks...I said will be dark ...he needs to go home before dark...WHY? Bert asked. DUDE! You are nine! go home before dark!

Bert does not get to ride his bike. There are 2 different stories on is that his tires are flat....the second (from his mouth) is that his mom said he isn't responsible enough for it.  My coworkers were blown away by that...Cath said..."Wait...he is allowed to motor around all over town by himself, but he can't ride a bike cause he isn't responsible enough?" which Jen replied "Maybe he isn't responsible enough on a bike to stay in the state and not head for California!" Jen has a good point. 

Mike worked from home Monday. He told Bert not to come by Monday till 6 as he would be home, but Ry would be at the Y. At lunch im'd Mike and asked him how many times Bert had come by. Mike scoffed at me..." Not once! I told him not till 6!" That night when I got home I asked what time Bert had come by. Mike looked a bit embarrassed..."well", Mike said " after we talked Bert came by. I re-reminded him not till 6. Bert came by a little over an hour later and I decided to just pick up Ry at 4 and bring him home for Bert."

I told Mike he may have to start paying me more child support to feed Bert...Mike said NO SHIT!

I am glad Ry has an evening friend...I am glad Bert has a person to hang with in the evening...but all know I really don't like kids. I hope i can make it through the summer without going crazy with my additional charge.

PS two minutes ago as I was writing this in my dark room (too hot for lights) i hear a voice right near my ear go "Can I use the phone?"  I screamed and just about peed my pants. " Yes Bert, you can use the phone."

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